Lap Siding

Lap Siding

When you are checking out homes, there are several items in our market you need to be aware of - including man-made siding. A lot has been said about L.P.( Louisiana Pacific) OSB (Oriented Strand Board) products, and they have borne most of the bad press.

But did you know that there can be issues not just with LP, but with Omni Board (made by Masonite) Stimson Fortestex, Weyerhauser and others? You need to know, Siding replacement can cost tens of thousands of dollars!

When the time is right, ask us about ASHI home inspectors and the benefits of making your offer contingent upon YOUR approval of a home / siding inspection where necessary.

For more information on how you can save money on your next transaction, download our free report called "Eight Insider Tips That Save Buyers Thousands!" This report is offered to all guests.

Click Here to Download this guide today!

Contact Information

Willie Colston
RE/MAX Allegiance
100 Volvo Parkway Suite 207
Chesapeake VA 23320
Office: 757-436-4581
Fax: 757-233-1583

757-436-4581 OFFICE 

757-434-4777 CELL